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Briefe Uber Italien Vom Jahre 1785 (1790) (German Edition) by Forster, Georg ISBN: 9781104693039 List Price: $43.95
Archaeologia Literaria (1790) (Latin Edition) by Ernesti, Johann August, Mar... ISBN: 9781104705411 List Price: $48.95
Darstellung Des Kantischen Systems (1790) (German Edition) by Peucker, Johann Georg ISBN: 9781104707460 List Price: $49.95
Sermons On The Great Doctrines And Duties Of Christianity (1790) by Laughton, George ISBN: 9781104715892 List Price: $55.95
The Writings Of George Washington V12: 1790-1794 (1891) by Washington, George, Ford, W... ISBN: 9781104716844 List Price: $57.95
Albansgulden: Oder Kurze Geschichte Des Ritterstiftes Zum Heil. Alban Bey Mainz (1790) (Germ... by Reuter, Johann Georg ISBN: 9781104718121 List Price: $57.95
Fragmente Uber Friedrich Den Grossen V1: Zur Geschichte Seines Lebens, Seiner Regierung, Und... by Zimmermann, Johann Georg ISBN: 9781104750619 List Price: $30.95
Trauerrede Auf Joseph Den Zweyten (1790) (German Edition) by Jacobi, Johann Georg ISBN: 9781104786816 List Price: $15.95
Fragmente Uber Friedrich Den Grossen V1: Zur Geschichte Seines Lebens, Seiner Regierung, Und... by Zimmermann, Johann Georg ISBN: 9781104813826 List Price: $45.95
George Barrington's Voyage to Botany Bay Retelling a Convict's Travel Narrative of the 1790's by Barrington, George, Rickard... ISBN: 9780718501853 List Price: $115.00
George Barrington's Voyage to Botany Bay Retelling a Convict's Travel Narrative of the 1790s by Barrington, George, Rickard... ISBN: 9780718501860 List Price: $70.00
Governors of Pennsylvania 1790-1990 by Swetnam, George, Smith, Hel... ISBN: 9780945437048 List Price: $19.95
The Despatches of Earl Gower, English Ambassador at Paris From June 1790 to August 1792 by Sutherland, George Granville ISBN: 9781150092497 List Price: $39.30
Georg Forster's Smmtliche Schriften: Bd. Ansichten Vom Niederrhein, Von Brabant, Flandern, H... by Forster, Johann Reinhold, G... ISBN: 9781142435592 List Price: $40.75
Geometrie Fur Soldaten Und Die Es Nicht Sind (1790) (German Edition) by Tempelhof, Georg Friedrich von ISBN: 9781104863296 List Price: $33.95
Geometrie Fur Soldaten Und Die Es Nicht Sind (1790) (German Edition) by Tempelhof, Georg Friedrich von ISBN: 9781104965211 List Price: $48.95
Gabrielis Kolinovics Nova Ungariae Periodus, Anno Primo Gynaeco-Cratiae Austriacae Inchoate,... by Kolinovics, Gabor, Kovachic... ISBN: 9781104984342 List Price: $65.95
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